Digital Marketing Malaysia

Helping clients worldwide. 100% Malaysian owned, we are one of the pioneers in providing complete digital marketing solutions to both local and international clients.

There are currently over 25 million internet users in Malaysia, that's a 79% penetration rate!

Digital Marketing in Malaysia is no longer new, empower your business today with our Digital Marketing Solutions.

What is Digital Intelligence

Digital Intelligence is the understanding of customer behavior be it how they are using your website, mobile site or app. This data is then used to optimize customer experience no matter the place, time or method in which they interact with you.

Using Digital Intelligence, we have the ability to transform digital data into real-time, actionable customer-centric insights.

What does this mean for your business? It means you can better understand your customer’s wants and cater to them with pin-point precision.

  • Quick to deliver customized solutions for my needs

    Seraph Studios - Stephen Yip - Director - Living3D
    "Seraph Studios was fast and responsive in delivering solutions customized to my business needs. I'm impressed how they even do it."
    Stephen Yip, Director, Living3D
  • Creative and quick to respond

    Seraph Studios - Alexander - Country Manager - Magnus Technology
    "Seraph Studios will came through for us with fast response times and creative art direction which really helped us in branding our various LED technologies. Their creativity and technical knowledge helped us quickly set up and pushed our company website live with the company image we envisioned. I would highly recommend Seraph Studios for your creative branding and marketing needs."
    Alexander Lee, Country Manager, Magnus Technology

Components of an evergreen digital marketing campaign

Your website is the heart of your Digital Marketing Campaign. It is not only a 24/7 storefront for your business but also the ultimate data collection tool for your business.

Search Engine Optimization is the key to ranking high in search engine results be it Google, Bing or Yahoo. Having good SEO will ensure traffic flows to your website and grow your business.
Content marketing
By providing value added content to your customers, we can intelligently attract return visits and market your products and services to them indirectly and unobtrusively.​
Social media marketing
Social Media (e.g. Facebook) is where market attention is gathering and it would be unwise not to go to where all the action is. Social media will be a major traffic driver to your website.​
Chatbot marketing
Wouldn't it be great if you could interact with your website visitors 24/7 and guide them through your sales funnel or help them with an inquiry? You can now with the use of chatbots. Chatbot Marketing allows you to enhance your website's user experience and convert them.
Email marketing
The written word has been effective for centuries and it still is in today’s digital world. Email Marketing will be a strong channel to push messages out and drive traffic back to your website.​
Search Engine Marketing is the next logical step to market your business. Placing well written and targeted will not only bring traffic to your website but also provide you with the much needed data to better understand your customers.
Digital analytics
Having multiple traffic sources pointing to your website which is setup to collect digital analytics will provide you with the much needed customer data needed to survive the competition of the digital age.

Are you ready to empower your business?

Ready to bring your business online? Start your own website or eCommerce store?

Get in touch with us for a FREE no obligation consultation and quote. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Book your consultation session now
Seraph Studios is a trusted boutique web design and digital marketing agency based in Penang, Malaysia.
We specialise in building beautiful, functional websites for businesses with elegant design and data-driven search engine optimization (SEO) to significantly drive visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Come with us on a digital marketing journey like you've never had before and achieve business success.
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